While every diamond is unique, all diamonds share certain structural features. A diamond’s anatomy, or its basic structure, determines its proportions, brilliance, dispersion and scintillation. Each part of the diamond has a specific name, and having a basic understanding of how each part contributes to the diamond as a whole will help you find your perfect
A diamond is comprised of the eight main components. They are Diameter, Table, Crown, Table Spread, Girdle, Pavilion, Depth, and Culet. Below is a brief description of each part of a diamond and its location.

Diameter: The width of a polished stone, measuredfrom edge to edge.
Table: The largest polished facet located on the top of the diamond.
Girdle: The very edge (widest edge) of the diamond where the crown and pavilion meet.
Pavilion: The bottom part of a diamond extending from the girdle down to the culet.
Depth: The total height of a diamond measured from the table to the culet.
Culet: The small or pointed facet at the very bottom of the diamond.
Crown: The top part of a diamond extending from the table to the girdle. The crown is made up of bezel facets(crown mains), star facets, upper girdle facets (upper halves), and a table facet.
Arhan Gold & Diamonds-Diamond Anatomy

Before purchasing a diamond, make sure that you have a basic understanding of a diamond’s anatomy. This will allow you to truly appreciate diamonds and all their intricacies, communicate with experts about a particular diamond, and, most importantly, it will assist you in making a well-thought out decision about which diamond is best for you


Diamond polish influences how well light is able to pass through a diamond. It is a very important attribute in determining a diamond's overall brilliance. When choosing a diamond, it is best to pick one that is laboratory certified with good, very good or excellent polish. Diamonds with poor polish are significantly less brilliant because they have microscopic polish lines that blur the surface of the stone—this also reduces the amount of light that enters or exits the diamond. Be aware that many diamonds have a poor polish because some diamond cutters reduce their costs by not spending sufficient time to properly polish a diamond.

How Is Polish Graded?

Polish is graded the same that way symmetry is graded. On a GIA report, the grades are Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair or Poor. The same applies for AGS and IGI reports, which also include ideal in their


What Is Diamond Fluorescence?

Fluorescence is a naturally occurring phenomenon that appears in certain minerals and gems. Some quality diamonds display a visible light when they are exposed to ultraviolet light. This light is known as fluorescence. Under most lighting conditions, a diamond's fluorescence is not visible to the naked eye, although the diamond will exhibit a soft colored glow if held under an ultraviolet lamp.

Do All Diamond Fluoresce?

Not all diamond fluoresce. If a specific diamond does not fluoresce, the grading report will list the diamond's fluorescence as either inert or none.

What Are The Different Types of Diamond Fluorescence?

The degree of fluorescence varies from faint to medium to strong to very strong. Faint means that the stone has a slight glow that is difficult to see under ultraviolet light. Very strong means that the diamond emits a deep glow that is very clear under ultraviolet light. The color of the fluorescence can also vary, although blue is the most common color. Yellow, green and white are other colors that a fluorescent diamond may exhibit.

How Does Fluorescence Affect A Diamond?

Fluorescence usually has no effect on a diamond's appearance in regular lighting conditions. In some cases, however, a strong blue fluorescence can make a yellow colored diamond appear whiter. In rare cases, it can or cause a stone to appear milky or oily.


What is a Diamond Certificate?

A diamond certificate verifies each diamond’s specifications, including its color grade, carat weight, clarity grade and cut grade. You should never buy a diamond without a diamond certificate. A diamond's cost depends upon objective characteristics popularly known as the 4C's: Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat. The relationship between these four characteristics determines the value of a diamond. Although it is commonly assumed that carat is the most important member of the 4C's, color, cut and clarity have a much greater impact on the appearance of a diamond.

Diamond Certification Laboratories :

The most well-known grading laboratories are the G.I.A. (Gemological Institute of America), A.G.S.L. (American Gem Society Laboratories, I.G.I. (International Gemological Institute), E.G.L. (European Gemological Laboratory - USA), and H.R.D. (Hoge Raad voor Diamant) are recognized worldwide for certifying the genuineness of a diamond.

Diamond Certificate Diamond Certificate
A.G.S.L.(American Gem Society Laboratories):

Founded in the year 1934, The American Gem Society is a trade association that deals with and includes retail jewelers, suppliers, self-regulating appraisers, and selective industry members. AGSL is based in Las Vegas, Nevada and specializes in diamond grading and so has its own cut clarity, and color standards.

Diamond Certificate
E.G.L. (European Gemological Laboratory (USA):

Founded in the year 1934, The American Gem Society is a trade association that deals with and includes retail jewelers, suppliers, self-regulating appraisers, and selective industry members. AGSL is based in Las Vegas, Nevada and specializes in diamond grading and so has its own cut clarity, and color standards.

Diamond Certificate
I.G.I. (International Gemological Institute):

The International Gemological Institute or the (IGI) was established in 1975 and is based in Antwerp, Belgium and has a number of offices worldwide. It certifies colored stones and jewelry along-with diamonds. IGI is certainly one of the largest independent gemological laboratory and also runs Schools of Gemology globally.

Diamond Certificate
HRD (Hoge Raad voor Diamant):

The Hoge Raad voor Diamant (HRD), was formed in 1973, in Antwerp. HRD recognizes certificates for diamond and gemstones and also monitors the import and export of loose diamond supply. The HRD certificate consists of a detailed analysis of the 4 C’s (cut, clarity, color and carat) of a diamond.

Diamond Certificate
Why is Diamond certification important?:

A diamond without its certification is not considered genuine and authentic. It can create doubts in the mind of a buyer or customer about quality of the diamond. All diamonds might resemble each other but definitely the quality will vary. Since diamond certification is a proof of originality of the diamond attributes, it is thereby recommended to get the certification done because it is necessary to know the quality of the diamond you are buying for.


The weight of a diamond is measured in “Carat”. The carat of a diamond denotes its size.

The word “carat” has been derived from the word the carob seeds which people used in to weigh their balance scales. The short form of carat is “CT” and “TCW” stands for total carat weight.

A carat includes 100 'points’ and a Jeweler defines the weight of a diamond below a carat by its “points”. Supposedly, if a diamond weighs 0.40 carats it is thereby declared as a “forty pointer".

Diamond Carat

But, the difference between “carat” and “karat” is to be noted and shouldn't be confused at all, as “carat” denotes the weight of a diamond and “karat” denotes the weight of gold

Two diamonds of equal carat weight might differ due to the difference in cut, clarity and color. Interestingly, when the carat size of a diamond increases, its price also increases at a growing rate.


Diamond Buying Tips


Of all the 4 C’s “Clarity” is one of the most easiest characteristic of a diamond. When the diamonds are formed deep inside the earth, due to the pressure certain natural marks are spotted on it known as inclusions and blemishes. The clarity of a diamond is based on its inclusions and blemishes.

Inclusions:- The inclusions of a diamond are the inner flaws. Inclusions of a diamond includes un-crystalized carbon, tiny cracks, bubbles and spots which affects the brilliance and quality of the diamond.

Blemishes:- The blemishes are the external flaws. Blemishes of a diamond are exterior irregularities accumulated on the surface of a diamond. Both inclusions and blemishes are not easily visible to the naked eye.

According to G.I.A. Clarity scale, diamond clarity is based on grades that starts from Flawless (FL) to Included (I3).

Diamond Clarity

Flawless ( FL) : No inclusions or blemishes are found or detected under 10x magnification. These diamond are rare and quite expensive.

Diamond Clarity

Flawless ( FL) : No inclusions or blemishes are found or detected under 10x magnification. These diamond are rare and quite expensive.

Diamond Clarity

Internally Flawless (IF) Inclusions are not detected but blemishes are found under 10x magnification. These diamond are not very rare but expensive.

Diamond Clarity

Very Very Slightly Included (VVS1/VVS2): Inclusions are difficult to be detected, mostly invincible under 10x magnification.

Diamond Clarity

Very Slightly Included (VS1/VS2): Though inclusions and blemishes are visible under 10x magnification, that necessarily does not affect he diamond’s beauty.

Diamond Clarity

Included (I1/I2/I3) Inclusions and blemishes are both obviously visible under 10x magnification and also to the naked eye which compromises the quality and brilliance of the diamond.

Diamond Clarity


According to gemologists, cut is the main aspect of a diamond. A cut of a diamond forms it’s facets, brings evenness and verifies the brilliance of a diamond. A well cut diamond allows light to penetrate and pass through it thereby reflecting much light and making it more sparkling.The more the cut is brilliant the more luminous is the diamond.The beauty of a diamond is solely dependent on the cut. In order to understand the cut of a diamond, first the concept of brilliance, fire and scintillation should be clear.

What is Brilliance, Fire and Scintillation?

Brilliance, fire and scintillation are the sole attributes of the cut of a diamond that contributes to its fiery sparkle.The primary factors makes a vast difference altogether in a diamond.

Brilliance - The brilliance factor affects the brightness of the diamond. The white light that enters into the diamond and reflects or bounces back from the outer surface of the diamond is called the brilliance

Fire - The vibrant spectral color of a diamond when exposed to light is the fire factor of a diamond. When the white light reflects back from the inner surface of the diamond towards the center of the diamond the fire factor (rainbow color) settles on the top surface of the diamond.

Scintillation - The flashes of light which occurs when a diamond is moved or tilted sideways. When light passes through the diamond and reflects from the inner surface towards the center, the light which bounces back is scintillation

According to G.I.A. Grading scale, cut of a diamond is categorized under Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair & Poor

Excellent - Maximum fire and brilliance. Reflects nearly all of the light that enters the diamond, creating exceptional sparkle and life.

Very Good - Properly reflects most of the light that enters the diamond, producing superior fire and brilliance. Under normal lighting conditions, appears very similar to Excellent Cut

Good - Reflects a majority of the light that enters the diamond, for an above average appearance

Fair - Allows much of the light entering the diamond to escape from the sides or bottom, reducing perceived fire and brilliance

Poor - Allows most of the light entering the diamond to escape from the sides or bottom. The diamond may appear noticeably dull and lifeless, even to an untrained eye

Diamond Cut

The luminescent factor of diamond is also based on the three different types of cuts.

The three types of cut are :-

Shallow cut: Fairly transparent but with a noticeable lack of sparkle.

Ideal cut: The cut is excellent and emits the highest level of brilliance.

Deep cut: The brilliance level is a bit dull

Diamond Cut



The shape of a Diamond refers to its physical structure as they are available in assorted shapes starting from classic round shape to a fancy.pear cut diamond. It is important to study and identify the attributes of the different shapes of a diamond to make the right choice before making a purchase. The physical structure or the form adds to the beauty or appearance of the diamond. A diamond is interestingly accessible in beautiful and striking shapes which definitely depends on the skills of the craftsmen. Shaping or cutting a diamond is considered an art as the brilliance and sparkle of the diamond is based on the cut.

Round Shapes
Round Shapes Diamonds

Most common cut and shapes of a diamond are Round Cut, Oval Shape and Cushion Cut.

Square Shapes
Square Shape Diamonds

Most popular shapes cut and shapes of a diamond are Princess Cut, Radiant Cut, Emerald Cut and Asscher Cut

Fancy Shapes
Fancy Shape Diamonds

Most fancy shapes of a diamond are Heart Shape, Marquise Shape and Pear Shape.